"Which apostle was called Doubting ___?","Thomas","Mark","John"
"Joseph, the husband of Mary, did what for a living?","Carpenter","Shepherd","Tailer"
"Who made clothes out of leaves that were sewed together?","Adam and Eve","Moses","Abraham and Sarah"
"Who in the Bible could be called 'The Giant Killer'?","David","Paul","Matthew"
"Who was the oldest brother?","Cain","Abel",""
"Aaron took golden earrings and made them into a ___","Calf","Knife","Cross"
"Gideon gave each man in his army of 300 a trumpet and a ___","empty pitcher","Blessed Sword","Prayer book"
"What was Saul's other name?","Paul","Job","Luke"
"What did Judas Iscariot do with the betrayal money:","Gave it back","Kept it",""
"The Spirit of God descended on Jesus in the form of a","Dove","Cloud","Eagle"
"How many demons did Mary Magdalene have in her?","Seven","Two","Five"
"How old was the daughter of Jairus?","12","32","124"
"The Lord shut the door","on Noah's Ark","the house of John","on the Temple"
"Lucifer said his throne will be exalted where?","above the stars","below the Earth","on Earth"
"Which city was destroyed because of it's wickedness?","Sodom","Damascus","izmir"
"The Bible suggests that a thousand years in God's sight is how long?","A day","A month","A instant"
"Where in the Bible is the quote, 'God helps those who help themselves'?","It's not in the Bible","Proverbs","Acts"
"What did Noah say while he was loading all the animal on the Ark?","Now, I herd everything","Joke","Joke"
"What did Adam and Eve do when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden?","Raised Cain","Joke","Joke"
"Where did Noah strike the first nail in the Ark?","On the Head","Joke","Joke"
"How long a period of time did Cain hate his brother?","As long as he was Abel","Joke","Joke"
"Where was Solomon's temple located?","On the side of his head","Joke","Joke"
"Why didn't Cain please the Lord with his offering?","He simply wasn't Abel","Joke","Joke"
"How long did Samson love Delilah?","Until she bald him out","Joke","Joke"
"What is the name of the sleepiest land in the Bible?","The land of Nod","Joke","Joke"
"How did Noah keep the milk from turning sour on the ark?","He left it in the cow","Joke","Joke"
"Why was Moses buried in a vlley in the land of Moab?","Because he was dead","Joke","Joke"
"What did Ezekiel do for 390 days?","Lay on his side","Pray","Fast"
"Which Old Testament prophet was temporarily dumb?","Ezekiel","Paul","Jacob"
"The sun should not go down upon?","Our Anger","Supper","Sorrow"
"What did Moses do to the rock at Horeb?","Struck it","talked to it","stood on it"
"What were Dagon and Tammuz?","Pagan idols","Dogs","Vineyards"
"Why was David not allowed to build the temple of Jerusalem?","He was a man of war","He was a sinner","He was Jewish"
"Why was Saul going to Damascus when confronted by Christ?","Persecute Christians","Buy an Army","Kill the King"
"What was the most important duty of a publican?","Tax-Collection","Casting ballots","Judging disputes"
"What was Absalom forbidden to see for two years?","His father's face","His sons","His wife"
"How many wives did King Solomon have?","700","36","4"
"What did Jacob dream about","A ladder to heaven","A stairway to heaven","A flood"
"Which of the twelve disciples was the first to be murdered?","James","John","Luke"
"How old did Moses live to be?","120 years","75 years","215 years"
"How many angels came to speak with lot?","2","many","thousands"
"When Joseph's brothers first came to egypt he:","put them in jail for 3 days","Cut of their heads","Invited them to a feast"
"What kind of wood did Noah build the ark with?","Gopher wood","Cedar","Black Oak"
"What did Hanun do to the faces of David's men?","Shaved their beards","Burned a symbol","Gave them a Scar"
"What crime did Amnon and Shechem have in common?","Rapists","Children Beaters","Thiefs"
"What sea was Jonah thrown into when he was having a 'whale of a time'?","Mediterranean","Red Sea","English Channel"
"How many books in the Bible start with the letter M?","4","6","3"
"Who struck Peter on the side while he was in Prison?","An Angel","Roomate","Guard"
"What King burned his OWN son as a sacrifice?","Ahaz","Jeremy","Levi"
"Daniel saw four ___ in his dream","Beasts or Creatures","Maidens","Demons"
"Aaron died on mount ___","Hor","Rushmore","Baco"
"The veil in the Temple was devided in two when","Jesus died on the Cross","Paul was Babtized","Judas betrayed Jesus"
"Who ordered a decree to kill all the jews, but later was hung","Haman (EST 7:7-10)","Abner","Joe Bob"
"Who spread the answer to Samson's riddle?","His wife","His Servant","A Foreigner"
"King Saul committed suicide along with ___","His Armor-bearer","His Lover","His Wife"
"What famous Biblical character was from Endor?","The witch or medium Saul consulted","The Slayer of Jews","The lover of King Ahab"
"What did they do to W Tyndale for translating the Bible into English","Burned at the Stake in 1536AD","Awarded 40 pounds of Gold","Assignated by the Arabs"